Saturday, April 11, 2009

I've been spending  time with my camera again. The weather is nicer and and I'm feeling the itch to get out and start shooting. We were down in AZ last week and Lulu and I went out to a dump yard and played around with some old cars and got some great shots. Can't wait to get out in the spring weather and shoot, shoot, shoot. My camera and I have a love-hate relationship.


Angi said...

Great shots! You have a good eye. My little sis always takes really great pictures too and I've always wished I had that gift. You must save tons of money on photographers!

Three and Counting said...

beautiful shots. YOu are so talented. YOu should do it professionally. HEard you are moving- good luck with everything!!!

Jen said...

these are beautiful- as is maz!

Smith's said...

So cute, and by the way I haven't been in the blog world for a LONG time. I had you on my facebook but I think I might have delited you when I got rid of all the dudes :)...oops...not that you look like one :). I hope things are going good for you and your family., but hot. I'll look you up on facebook, maybe you will be my friend again :)...still love your cute design ideas!