I think having a date night with your spouse is the MOST important thing you can do to better your marriage. Most of us, OK all of us love to dress up and to go out on the town. You can still do it, just be a little creative. Here are a few less expensive dating tips.
1- trade baby sitting with another couple
2- plan ahead of what you budget is that night
3- got to the park and have a picnic or a BBQ with friends
4- float the river
5- go sledding (make sure there snow :)
6- bike to your restaurant
7- go hiking
8- go to a shooting range
9- bowling
10- Craig favorite is going to Taco Bell and the "Dollar Movie"
11- Game night with friends
12- send you kids away and have dinner and a movie at your home, it's nice and relaxing!
Here are some ideas that people have e-mailed me. PLEASE comment on some of your favorite dates. Thanks for all your help!